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*A waiver must be signed in order to participate in a party and/or event*

Participation in Hotshotz Dart Arena Mobile Dart Battle Parties involves physical activity. Safety is the number one priority for all participants, however knowingly and willfully not obeying all rules can have an effect on the safety of yourself and others. 

Please be aware that by in signing up and participating in Hotshotz Dart Arena Mobile Dart Battle parties and renting any inflatables, you will be waiving and releasing all claims for injuries arising out of these activities, that you or other named participants might sustain. The terms “I”, “me”, and “my”, also refer to parents or guardians as well as participants in these activities. In signing for these activities, you are agreeing as follows:

Code of Conduct You will take part in a mobile battle party according to the rules provided by Hotshotz Dart Arena and/or referee(s). You will accept responsibility for damages you caused before, during or after a party and/or event.

Acknowledgment of Risks As the parent or guardian of the participant in Hotshotz Dart Arena Mobile Dart Battle Parties and inflatables, I recognize and acknowledge that there are certain risks of physical injury, and I agree to assume the full risk of any injuries, damages or loss that I may sustain as a result of participating, in any manner, in any and all activities connected with or associated with such activities. I further recognize and acknowledge that all athletic activities involving strenuous exertion or potential body contact are hazardous recreational activities and involve substantial risk of injury. Physical activity that may result in injury include contact with other players or “bunkers” while in play, as well as natural obstacles in the battle area. You assume all risks of injury. The battle area should be supervised by an adult 18 years and older at all times. Hotshotz Dart Arena Mobile Dart Battle referee(s) can be requested upon booking and will supervise the battle area. However, there may be areas where visibility is limited.

Waiver You release Hotshotz Dart Arena, LLC from any liability for losses that may arise out of your participation at a Hotshotz Dart Arena Mobile Dart Battle Party. Hotshotz Dart Arena, LLC is not responsible for any lost/stolen items. I do hear by fully release and discharge Hotshotz Dart Arena, LLC and other released parties from any and all claims for inquires, damage, or loss that I may have or that may accrue to me on account of my participation in these activities and the rental of equipment to include barricades and/or arena. I further agree to indemnity, hold harmless and defend Hotshotz Dart Arena, LLC and any and all other released parties, from any or all claims resulting from injuries, damages and losses sustained by anyone, including me or my child, and arising of, connected with, or any way associated with my conduct and the activities of these services.

I further understand and agree that the terms as “participation”, “play”, and “activities”, referred to in this Agreement includes all exercises and physical movements of any nature while I am participating in the party, and further include the provision of or failure to provide proper instructions or supervision, the use and adjustment of any and all equipment, machinery, apparatus, and anything related to my use of the services or premises involved in these activities, and transportation to and from any events.

Use of Images You grant us the right to use any photos, videos or any other digital reproductions taken of participants solely for publicity purposes including print or online (Facebook, Instagram, website).

Medical and Physical Problems Battles can take place in areas with unstable ground, hills, steep slopes, and uneven surfaces. Certain medical conditions including asthma or epilepsy could have an effect on a player during play. Players with any medical conditions should inform the party planner before engaging in play. You assume all risk and injury. 

Parental Consent You have read and understand this Agreement and Waiver. If you are under 18 years old, please have your parent, guardian or party chaperone read and discuss the content of the document with you. Parental consent is REQUIRED for participants under the age of 18. A parent, guardian, or party chaperone must sign it to participate in this activity.

(if under 18 years- Parent, legal guardian, or party chaperone must sign below in order for player(s) to participate)

Thanks for submitting!


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